The Budget Workshop

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My daughter-in-law’s Penny Thought: “ ‘Enough’ is all you need. ‘More’ will not bring happiness”.

When I first met my - then future - daughter-in-law, she was (and still is today) a lovely, smart, kind and wise-beyond-her-years young woman.

Because it had been a while since I had any close contact with a twenty-something, I pondered what common interest we might explore to “break the ice” and get to know each other.

In short order, a most excellent idea popped into my brilliant mind: Of course!, “us girls” would go shopping and imminent bonding would ensue. So, at the earliest opportunity, I suggested that we take the day and go clothes shopping together. To which she most sincerely replied: “I'd love to come with you and shop for anything you might be looking for. As for myself, there is really nothing I need at this time”.

Say...what? Huh? It took a bit for me to process this information. Her words had traveled at normal speed from ears to brain, but there they stalled, unable to gain purchase: woman...clothes...enough…Is that even possible?

Eventually, gradually but thoroughly, comprehension set in. Indeed, as the years have passed, the concept has become one of the most profound money lessons I have learned. Now, before even considering a new acquisition, I invariably ask myself “do I actually need this, or do I already have enough?”

Furthermore, it has propelled me on a journey toward minimalism and decluttering in general. Do I truly need five spatulas? What about those (lovely) high-heeled shoes I haven't worn in years? Slowly, steadily, my closets, my kitchen drawers, my entire house has been relieved of unwanted, unneeded, unloved stuff. The excess items have been donated, recycled or trashed as appropriate. Instead there now is lightness, space to breathe and a profound appreciation for what remains.

For some excellent ideas on how to simplify your life, check out Joshua Becker’s website: becoming minimalist