Penny Thoughts
Hello and welcome! Thank you so much for being here with me. This happens to be my very first post on my very first blog, so I am very happy indeed to have you along for company.
I’ve never blogged before and I’m not sure how/if/when I’ll find my voice. But, I’m gonna give it a shot, because - I have some thoughts I’d like to share with you. Thoughts around pennies and how to earn them and how to save them.
Most of these thoughts aren’t really my own. They are the lessons I have learned from others: things I’ve observed them do, or wisdoms they’ve shared, which I then adopted for my own. These are “everyday” people, who are savvy at stretching their dollars and balancing their budgets, so they can live abundantly.
In this series of “Penny Thoughts” blogs, you will meet some of them: family members, friends and even a co-worker or two. So stay tuned and please come back next time to meet . . . . . . . . My Mother!